Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Matthew and Lisa Broad in memory of James A. Peruto

Ellen Burns in memory of Jay A. Folkes

Robin Butrey in tribute to Clyde and Pat Simmers 

Stephen & Mary Darlington in memory of John Fioravanti

Stephen & Mary Darlington in memory of Herbert Sandor

Katy and Mary Kay Darrah in memory of Penny Wilson

Mary Kay Darrah in memory of Simone Hatsko-Hoffman

Faith G. DeLorenzo in memory of Louis Marino

Elizabeth Dirienzo in memory of John & Mary Pagliorie

Diana Doherty in memory of Robert J. Murphy

Brian Donofry in memory of Shane Sloms

Maria Duffy in memory of Shane Sloms

Sharon Dyer in memory of Shane Sloms

Karen Junod in memory of Shane Sloms

Lisa MacNamara in memory of Jay A. Folkes

Darlyn McDonald in celebration of the life of
James Jay Adams

Sandy McKeown in memory of Shane Sloms

Jean McLaughlin in memory of Joan McLaughlin

Ana Leyland in memory of Nancy Trifun 

Linda Petrillo in memory of Shane Sloms

Jeffrey Pollock in memory of Waldemar Kehler

Lisa Polter in memory of Shane Sloms

Chrysa Smith in memory of Cleta Szoke

Peter Stampfl in memory of David Korczakowski   

Sara Swanson in memory of Wally Kehler